David Bonacci  
Email : alt text@nodnet.fr


Short Biography

David Bonacci was born in Hyères, France in 1974,

On June 1999 he received the D.E.A. diploma (research master) and the Engineer Degree from the ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France.

He obtained the PhD degree in TESA Laboratory in the field of signal processing and telecommunication with Corinne Mailhes and Francis Castanie as supervisors in 2003. He was ATER (teaching assistant) in the ENSEEIHT (Telecommunications/Networks department) from september 2003 up to august 2005 and then research engineer at TESA.

A curriculum vitae dating from 2017 is available here (in french): detailed version.

Research Interests and activities


- Books
- Journals
- Conferences
- Patents
- Other documents

Links and photos about Var (the place to be)

    Where the sun is shining and the sky is as blue as sea ...

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